An Alter Ego Poem

Here's Chrome Dome Mike in a t-shirt which say "I Got Haters Everywhere".


Original poetry by Chrome Dome Mike Kimbro


Consider reading along to my Spoken Verse Performance.





From high plains which are Albuquerque,


A pretty cool town in New Mexico.


Came two titans, both steeped in mystery:


Heisenberg and The Great Cornholio.





Thank MTV, for the gift of Beavis.


He of few words, and even fewer brain cells.


He met a lady on a flight to Paris,


Who had packed everything a pharmacy sells.





With young Beavis, the old gal shared her stash.


Which caused him to morph into Cornholio.


His cockpit visit, could have caused a crash,


Had Butt-head not landed on the radio.





If circumstances require,


That you slip into an alter ego.


Choose one which is, like, way higher,


Than a Marvel Comic Superhero.


And the two which I most admire,


Are Heisenberg and The Great Cornholio.





Breaking Bad's lead character had a disease.


So he was wimpy and passive aggressive.


But a pork pie hat, which went on with ease.


Set up a transition which was impressive.





Hail, Heisenberg, who with every once says,


That the Alpha Male is present before them.


The way I feel when my T-shirt announces,


"I've Got Haters Everywhere", which isn't a problem.





If circumstances require,


That you slip into an alter ego.


Choose one which is, like, way higher,


Than a Marvel Comic Superhero.


And the two which I most admire,


Are Heisenberg and The Great Cornholio.





That the common denominator.


Between these two forces of nature.


Is drugs, should surprise no one.



I'm an expert on the subject, indeed.


Having watched Breaking Bad and, of course, Weeds.


You know, Meth with Mary Jane would be no fun.



What was conceived by a wardrobe arranger.


Are what make Mr. White and Beavis stranger:


A cool hat and a Metallica T-Shirt.



But what, for sure, would have me in stitches,


Would be the ultimate in wardrobe switches,


Beavis in the hat, and White in the T-shirt



Heisenberg would be searching for TP.


While Cornholio cooks White's meth recipe.



And Butt-head plays the part of Jesse Pinkman.


Saying: "Yo! Mr. Cornholio!"



With braces, Aaron Paul is Beavis's wingman.


Asking: "Beavis, where did the chicks all go?"





If circumstances require,


That you slip into an alter ego.


Choose one which is, like, way higher,


Than a Marvel Comic Superhero.


And the two which I most admire,


Are Heisenberg and The Great Cornholio.





While this alter ego discussion presumes,


That the approach is academic and sober.


Fact is that these elements of costumes,


Work quite well on the last day of October.



But mother, you might want to advise your spouse,


Prior to excursions on the 'Eve of Hallows'.       [NOTE: That's Halloween.]


To definitely avoid the preacher's house,


With scary Heisenbergs and cute little Cornholios.





If circumstances require,


That you slip into an alter ego.


Choose one which is, like, way higher,


Than a Marvel Comic Superhero.


And the two which I most admire,


Are Heisenberg and The Great Cornholio.



The End



Copyright © Michael Kimbro 2019.  All rights reserved.